
The Experiment Designer Panel presents a hierarchical view of the experiments. The root event of these hierarchical structures is always an Experiment event.

Experiment Creation

To create a new experiment, make sure to deselect any event by clicking on an empty row or ⌘-clicking on the selected event to deselect it, then:

  1. Create a new group event by clicking on the folder icon with the '+' symbol in the bottom toolbar. The new event appears at the top in the table with a default title “New Events”. Remember that a group event embeds one or several other events, and is the building block of the hierarchical structure of your experimental design.

  2. Double-click on its title to edit it and reflect the experiment purpose,

  3. Using the pop-up menu under the Category column, change the event category from Undefined to Experiment. Note how the small icon in front of the event changed from a folder icon to a psi icon specific to the Experiment event. Each event is characterized by a category that defines its function inside your experimental design also depicted by a small icon. The Undefined category can still be used to group several experiments under one roof (eg: all experiments related to the same study).

After creating a new experiment event, you should specify the following properties:

Control Settings

These properties can be edited at any time by selecting the Experiment event and clicking the Inspect button in the bottom toolbar (or pressing ⌘I).


The Authorship settings should provide information concerning:


The Display settings specify all information required to properly present your stimuli on a calibrated display during the experiment. By default, these settings are the ones defined in the Display Preferences (click on the Display icon in the top left-hand corner to reset the experiment display settings to the default ones).

These settings are:

Note that changing the fields of view, viewing distance or maximum spatial frequency automatically updates the other parameters based on the geometry calibration.

Control Settings

The Control settings specify some important aspects of the experiment:


The Input/Output settings specify what devices should be used in the experiment and which ones should be used as the default for each category. If none are specified, the main keyboard is used during the experiment (the main keyboard is the one checked “active” and “default” in the Response Devices Preferences ).


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